Book Report #2 : Suit Up!


Hello everyone! Welcome back to Gracia's Blog!! Today I will be the main character of the stories in 2 books. I have read the stories on ER Central. Let's moving on the stories! 

1. Freeing the Birds
    Hi, my name is As Li. My creator is CompassMedia. One day I went to the market. I saw an old man selling a bird in a cage. Then I bought it, took it to my house, and let the bird go free. The next day, I go to the market again until ten days. An old man told to me he would have a new bird and I would buy it.  My wife asked me why I was buying so many birds. I explained that it was good because I'm helping the birds to set the birds free. I smiled because that's good for me but my wife didn't seem pleased. Then my wife asked me about everytime I bought a bird and freed it, the old man just went out to catch more birds. I understood what my wife saying. It's educate ya'll to save animals.

2. Listen to your Heart
    Hi, my name is Sandy. My creator is Lisa P. Let me tell my story. I was very worried because I will graduate from high school. I want to go to university but I don't know what I want to study. The next day, I go to advisor in my high school. The advisor asked me about what lessons I like. But I like which Science, Math, Language, and Reading book. My grades is very good in that lessons. The advisor laugh. I'm angry because I have to choose one thing and I don't know what to choose. The advisor said I must listen to my heart. 

    After that I walk out from advisor's offie. I walk to the park and I sit on the grass. I sit in the park for a long time. I'am tired. I'am worried. So I fell asleep. When I was woke up, I feel something strange. Oh it's a dog I mean. Then I pick the little dog up and I took this little dog to my house. I see the dog is very hungry and thirsty. I bring this little dog with water and dogfood. When my mother comes home she says who are bring the dog to the house. I tell my mom I found this dog in the park. Then my mother says I'am an animal lovers, my heart tell I'm very kind to animals. I think my mother knows my heart. I love animals. I must study to be a vet.

    I think when we can be a character on the story that's more fun right. That's enough, thank you for read my book report until the end. See you on my next blog!


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