Listening Report 6: Draw it! Caption it!

  Hi everyone! Today I will share my listening report about the news (audio). I have listened to these news videos from YouTube without subtitles. This report is challenging for me because I will draw a scene in that news and add an opinion or comment related to the scene that I draw. 

Title: NYPD Arrests Man in Asian Hate Crime Case
Date of listening: April 03, 2021

Description about the text
New York police arrested the man who assaulted a 65-year-old Asian woman on the street, an attack recorded on video that has gone viral amid an increase in anti-Asian hate crimes in the US. The man attacked the woman until she fell to the ground and sustained serious physical injuries.

Comment about the text
In my opinion, he shouldn't attack the old woman. Moreover, he attacked him with an element of hatred towards Asians. He also made anti-Asian posts on social media.

Something new
  • Vocabulary: murdering (pembunuhan), assailant (penyerang), witnesses (saksi).
  • Information: I got new information about hate crimes against Asians in New York.
  • Insight: through the above incident we are not allowed to differentiate between human beings.

Title: Why Singapore's COVID Death Rate is World's Lowest
Date of listening: April 04, 2021

Description about the text
57,000 people have been infected with coronavirus in Singapore but only 27 of them died. Singapore was very successful in containing the spread of the virus through early detection.

Comment about the text
In my opinion, Singapore is very vigilant in dealing with the coronavirus. This is very successful for Singapore people to break the chain of spread of the coronavirus.

Something new
  • Vocabulary: vulnerable (rentan), undertaken (dilakukan), underlying (yang mendasari), symptoms (gejala).
  • Information: I got new information about COVID in Singapore.
  • Insight: We know that Singapore has good cooperation. 

Title: As Tourism Rebounds Spain Have Mixed Feelings
Date of listening: April 05, 2021

Description about the text
Excited tourists spilled out of Mallorca airport to enjoy the popular holiday destination after Berlin last week lifted quarantine requirements for travelers returning from the Balearic Islands, but not everyone in Spain is convinced.

Comment about the text
In my opinion, it is very important to enjoy the trip for tourists. But everyone must think about the situation after quarantine.

Something new
  • Vocabulary: influx (arus), convinced (yakin)
  • Information: I know about tourists destinations during the holiday.
  • Insight: Holiday after quarantine makes tourists enjoy.
Draw it! Caption it!

I have drawn this scene using my gadget and I added some stickers :).

A group of tourists celebrating their arrival with a vacation at the beach.

    I decide to pick and draw that scene because the tourists are happy when holiday on that beach. But, Several arrivals left in Majorca citing concerns groups of German tourists seen partying without masks on the beach although restrictions still apply on the island. Then, some of the locals were surprised.


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