Listening Report 7: Feature Article


    Hi everyone! Today I will share my listening report about features/non-fiction articles. I have listened to these features from YouTube. This report is exciting because I will make a speech about my comment/opinion related to the video with a one-minute duration. I hope I can pass this guided report very well. Enjoy! 

Title: Iris Scott is a Master Finger Painter - And Her Paintings Sell for $40,000
Date of listening: April 15, 2021

Description about the text
This article is about a woman named Iris Scott. She makes each of her paintings without any brush because all she uses are her fingertips and a pair of gloves. Also, some of her paintings can sell for over $40,000.

Comment about the text
I think she is very creative person. She can develop her talent to paint without tools. Besides that, she also sells her paintings so that people can enjoy his work.

Something new
  • Vocabulary: relatively (relatif), smears (noda), obstacle (kendala), fingertips (ujung jari), knuckles (buku-buku jari).
  • Information: I know who Iris Scott is.
  • Insight: painting not only on the piece of paper.


Title: How to Know Yourself
Date of listening: April 16, 2021

Description about the text
Sometimes we don't know the basic point of who we are. We are unsure about two things in particular. Firstly, we don't have a stable sense of what we worth. Secondly, we don't have a secure hold on our own values or judgments.
Comment about the text
In my opinion, to know who we are is to think that is good for ourselves and others. Besides that, helping others is also very important because it reflects who we are.

Something new
  • Vocabulary: judgments (penilaian), cherishing (menghargai), adequately (cukup), verdicts (putusan), wise (bijaksana).
  • Information: I have new information about how to know myself and avoiding fear of guilt against others.
  • Insight: interaction with other people in order to see who we are.


Title: Why You Don't Need to Be Exceptional
Date of listening: April 16, 2021

Description about the text
Many of us walk the earth feeling that to be accepted by others, we do need to be something very special. Sounds like ambition, but closer to neurosis and a constant source of pain and doesn't need to be exceptional.

Comment about the text
In my opinion, people who are overly ambitious in their minds can be self-conscious. We must indeed be required to be the best, but we also have to know our limits.

Something new
  • Vocabulary: occasionally (kadang), embassy (kedutaan), ruling (berkuasa), succumbing (mengalah), compromises (kompromi), prejudice (prasangka). 
  • Information: I know the meaning of to be exceptional.
  • Insight: from that article, don't need to be exceptional is not matter.
Then, this is the link for my speech to give a comment/opinion related to the article.


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